Monday, January 11, 2010


1/11/10 One year ago today, Taylor Park preached on “One-anothering in Suffering.” My journal notes included some great reminders of the One who suffered and died for us---the One who understands our suffering. He then emphasized the fact that suffering is a real part of the Christian community and just as Christ is there for us, we need to be there for others---to serve them in their time of need. Church needs to be a safe place for the hurting to come for solace and sanctuary.

JOURNAL JOTTINGS—(parenthetical jottings added 2010)
Bear one another’s burdens. Galatians 6:2 (Houston High School)
Intercede for one another. James 5 :16. (First Evan and folks worldwide)
Humbly serve one another. John 13:14 (T-Cups & other "nurses")
Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Romans 12:10 (Michèle)
Be kind to one another. Ephesians 4:32 (FAMILY & FRIENDS)
Be hospitable to one another without complaint. 1 Peter 4:9 (Mary Flo)

At the time I did not realize I would be the recipient in such a monumental way of each of these “one-anotherings.”
This past year, I have known God as never before. Part of the reason is because of the goodness of God's people who took on His role and have served me in my suffering, time and time again, often at the expense of themselves.
I remain overwhelmed and truly grateful.
Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10
(My verse today because it's still where I need to be.*)
Obviously need it because I had this written in my am blog notes draft, saw it etched over the chapel at Baptist Women's Hospital and just finished my pm reading in Jesus Calling and there it was. 3 times of anything always gets my attention. It's my "rule" for a "heads up."