Saturday, February 18, 2012


Hubby would be birder in back w/binoculars & the glow in the dark white hair. 
 2/18/12 Hubby and I went birding yesterday. Daughter  says joining that type of group activity makes us officially OLD!  We joined folks from the Tennessee Ornithological Society for a brown bag lunch and training for this year’s Great Backyard Bird CountThese folks are serious birders. They count as much by sound as by sight. It was a real eye-opener for me----which says a lot because even with hubby’s 10x magnification binoculars---as “strong” as our leader’s, I could never quite focus in time to see the birds. Luckily some gorgeous wood ducks swimming lazily on the lake were most cooperative.

Of course, when an immature red-shouldered hawk was mistaken for a red-tailed, I was aghast! Yea, right. Though eventually I did find him in the top of a tree, I saw only a big hawkish type bird. They “heard” a red-shouldered hawk. We do have, according to hubby, a “resident” Cooper’s hawk, that preys on the songbirds at our feeders.
SMILE, Mr. Cooper's Hawk

Am I a birder? No. Have I ever done this before? No, though I did plan our summer trip around birding areas and it was an adventure.  Why did I go? It’s hubby’s thing and after my “retreat” week, I felt turn about was fair play. I enjoyed watching him watch his birds. Pop-Pop’s birds, his grands call them. 
Birding is a quiet activity. It’s a way of entering creation’s sanctuary. 

Yesterday was a way of seeing dwelling places that the Lord has created, especially “for the birds.” Plus, we were trained to “count.” Official certificates confirm our expertise. I even got to enter 5 American goldfinches that I saw at our feeder Friday morning, the first day of the “count.”

Not only did I get to see my husband in a new light but I also was able to experience quietness and reflect on the LORD. 
So…..birdin’ is a good thing.

1 How lovely is your dwelling place, 
 LORD Almighty! 
2 My soul yearns, …… 
for the courts of the LORD; 
3 Even the sparrow has found a home, 
   and the swallow a nest for herself, 
   where she may have her young— 
a place near your altar, 
 LORD Almighty, my King and my God. (Psalm 84:1-3)