Monday, August 6, 2012


8/6/12 Are you knackered? That was the question Al Roker posed this morning on “The Today Show.” It was another of his examples of “British-speak” which the 2012 Olympic attendees are encountering throughout London. He also asked about a loud hailer. (megaphone)
It gave me pause as I thought of God’s loud hailer. His Word hails me everytime I open my Bible with an open heart. It’s as if He is loudly declaring what I need to hear.
Is His word calling out loudly to you?
Having spent time these last few days basking in the glory of His handiwork, I heard “loud and clear”, as nature became His megaphone. The grandeur and diversity of creation shouted of the splendor of the Creator Himself.
Lift up your hands in the sanctuary, and bless the Lord. (Psalm 134:2)
Are your hands lifted?
Mine were. His “God-speak “ from His word and His creative genius surrounded me.