Sunday, October 13, 2013

SABBATH SNAPSHOTS: a "looking" perspective

10/13/13 Cousins Owen(6) and Lucy (almost 2) rarely see each other----Memphis and Brooklyn are 1,100+ miles apart. But...this past weekend they spent a good bit of time together. What a joy it was to watch Owen "looking out" for his young cousin and for little Lucy to "look up" to him. She not only looked up to him, she tried to "keep up" with him as well. Fun to watch!
Hula Hoop lessons
Lego® lesson gone awry
Tree climbing lesson
Encouragement from the top
Day 1---Golf Cart lesson 
Demonstrating eating Whirley-Pop® popcorn by the handfuls
Smaller hands but just as full 
Pumpkin decorating demo w/ "sticky" cut-outs

Re-arranging "sticky" pumpkin cut-outs.
Decorating Owen with "sticky" cut-outs instead of the pumpkin 
Day 3--Independent golf cart driving. Shoes helped----it's all about the accessories.