Sunday, August 3, 2014

SABBATH SNAPSHOT : hones-TEA of commi-TEA-ment

Kyle Idleman, in his book, not a fan., asks the reader for an honest diagnosis of his or her commitment to following Jesus. Even the prologue is gripping in its frankness. Fans want what their "team," group or person to "do" for them. Win for them. Entertain them. Feed them. Christ wants more than that. He desires a deeper level of commitment.
Fans have a tendency to confuse their knowledge for intimacy. They don't recognize the difference between knowing about Jesus and truly knowing Jesus. (p. 44) Fans are more focused on the "outside" than the inside. (p.72) 'Everything they do is for show.' (Matthew 23:5, NLT) (p.73)

Throughout the book, the author includes stories of others who wear the label of "not a fan." Real people. Real stories of real commitment.
No Reserves. No retreats. No regrets. (p. 209)

If you want to know if you are a "self-empowered fan" or a spirit-filled follower, Idleman's book will help you answer that question.

Thanks to brother Buddy's gift of this easy to read, yet convicting book, written by the teaching pastor of Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, KY where he attended for several years.

A book that goes great with a cuppa hones-TEA of spiritual introspection.